We believe in the power of Indigenous-led teams to achieve their goals, grounded in their values and wisdom. Our management consulting supports you and your team in identifying your strengths and surfacing impediments, including colonial legacies that harm our self-view and relationships.

What we Offer
Decolonizing Workplace Relations
Decolonizing Workplace Relations is a two-part seminar that aims to help teams identify how colonialism persists through language, policies, and practices in the workplace. The sessions will explore decolonial mindsets and approaches and address potential barriers to these changes.
Examining workplace communication patterns through this training is not about blame but looking beyond our initial reactions so we can decide which values we want to guide our workplace relations.
Indigenizing Succession Planning
St'elxwets' Consulting collaborates with your leadership team to recognize crucial positions, evaluate current and future leadership needs, and devise a succession plan that embraces Indigenous knowledge and your organization's distinct culture.
The package can include customized succession planning templates, job descriptions, talent assessment tools, leadership development resources, communication strategies, knowledge transfer guidelines and governance considerations.
Liberating Change Management
Organizational transformation defines new approaches to improved versions of your workplace processes and policies. Unencumbered, well-defined leadership roles with inspired teams working in unity will increase your capacity for bigger goals. We support those goals with strategic planning, communications, and assessment. Let's talk about what's next for you and help you map the journey to get there.